Learning To Deal With Bad Business And Hurtful Or Violent People

I am usually pretty easy going and won't overly assert opinions that may be unpopular simply to get a reaction. I have slowly learned that their is a time and place for everything. That being said, if I see something wrong, like someone being used, abused, or taken advantage of, to any extent, I have never been able to keep my mouth shut and I never will.

I debated on publishing a story tonight about this bad business and the sour taste and negativity it leaves behind, however I think it is best left with this quote from Warren Buffet:

"In looking for people to do business with, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you."

Below is a link to the article and video of me stopping two bouncers from nearly beating a guy to death in Calgary, Canada. I couldn't believe people were just standing around watching it happen. I jumped out of my cousins Porsche SUV and ran over to stop them. At least the media there cared enough to cover it and call into question the policies and training of individuals tasked to handle crowds at bars.

 On a high note I recently invested in my old high school buddies T-shirt business.

The shirts are super comfortable, shipping is crazy fast, and if the movement isn't obvious then you must be sleeping !!!


Made In India

Love It !!

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